- pictures made of light and life -

Of portfolios and galleries
This site - obviously - shows a lot of photos. To give you a better overview, they are divided into several galleries and portfolios. A gallery corresponds to a single photo album of a specific event, while the portfolios showcase what I consider to be my best photos for the given topic. Both kinds are organized by subject and can be found up there in the menu. A word of caution about the descriptions of journeys or lost places: a lot can have changed in the meantime, so please do your own research.
Again and again I have to learn that too much life keeps happening, that prevents me from keeping this site up to date at all times, but I try my best ;-)
Now - brand new - this site is also available in English (you probably noticed that, when you are reading this). At the very right of the menu bar you can switch to German if you prefer.
Live events ...
From time to time I present my pictures in real life in a photo exhibition or a (multimedia) photo show. That's great fun, but also a huge amount of effort, so I can only do that every few years.
... in the past
- Exhibition of my Nepal photos in Hannover, Benthe and Ronnenberg
- Photo show "A Visit to the Muskoxen" at the nature photographers' convention Silberborn and at the BUND Hannover
... in the (near) future
- "Wild Hearts", a collaboration between LuminousArts and the Calaneya Dance Academy. It will start with dancers performing their interpretation of nature, wilderness, conservation, etc. Afterwards I will give my multivision talk "A Visit to the Muskoxen" (watch the trailer on Vimeo).
22.05.2025, 16:00
Calaneya Dance Academy, Limmerstr. 1 (entrance from the Fössestr.), 30451 Hannover)
Prices and tickets
The road ahead
I am currently in the process of creating some older and newer galleries. I have built up quite a backlog over the years. In this context, the selection of my 'best' images in the portfolios may change a bit.
As soon as time allows, I would also like to start a separate section with articles on various topics. This will not be a regular blog, but more details will emerge when the first articles are ready.
The obvious
It should be obvious, but for the sake of completeness I'll mention it anyway: All content on this site is copyrighted by its author, usually me. If content is taken from other people, it is marked accordingly. Any use of my content is only allowed with my written permission. If you are interested in using my pictures or texts, please contact me.